The material relates to the publication of the monograph series "The Archaeology of Fazzan," edited by David Mattingly and consisting of four volumes. The series combined the results of fieldwork conducted sporadically between 1958 and 1977 by the late Charles M. Daniels [CMD] and from 1997 - 2001 by David Mattingly.
With key funding from the Leverhulme Trust, British Academy and the Society for Libyan Studies, work on the Daniels' archive took place alongside the new fieldwork, notably between 1999 - 2001 when David Edwards and John Hawthorne were employed as Post-Doctoral Research Fellows on the project. The work was split between the University of Leicester where David Edwards worked under the supervision of David Mattingly, and the University of Newcastle, where John Hawthorne was supervised by John Dore.
The Leverhulme project was a component of The Fazzan Project, a joint venture between the Department of Antiquities and the Society for Libyan Studies. The project began in 1996 following a visit to Tripoli and Fazzan by Professor Graeme Barker, David Mattingly and John Dore.
Much of the material within this collection appears to be based on the records of CMD
Source: Mattingly, David, "Preface and Acknowledgements" in The Archaeology of Fazzan: Volume 2, Site Gazetteer, Pottery and Other Survey Finds, (Society for Libyan Studies, 2007), pp. xxvii - xxix.