John Raskall of Wass son and heir of John Raskall of How deceased, George Atley of Sutton under Whitsoncliffe yeoman and wife Ellen, James Wilkes of Sourleize, par. Helmsley, yeoman and wife Elizabeth, James Ewbanke of Wass yeoman and wife Ann (Ellen Atley, Elizabeth Wilkes and Ann Ewbanke being sisters of John Raskall jnr.) to Charles Mann and John Garbutt of Helmsley gents.
For £50, part of the money left by Francis Wheelwright to the poor of Helmsley: messuage, close called the Carr, 3 adjacent closes, 2 closes called the Ings, and a little close, in Newby Wiske: The 2 closes called the Inges and the little close to uses of poor of Helmsley; residue to uses of James Ewbanke. Witnessed Ro Denton, William Bosomworth, Thomas Jackson, Anthony Hunter, William Raskall