The collection consists of material from the various educational forums and committees with which Stuart W MacDonald was involved. The collection also includes a small number of books from Arthur MacMorland, a leading exponent of Children's Art in Scotland and former student of Glasgow School of Art.
The material is arranged into 16 items listed alphabetically by the author:
DC 08/6/1 1935 Ashton, L, ed. "Chinese Art"
(Kegan, Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., Ltd. )
DC 08/6/2 1932 Dobson, M "Art Appreciation" (Sir IsaacPitman & Sons Ltd.)
DC 08/6/3 c.1928 Educational Institute of Scotland,
"Exhibition of Scottish Pupil's Art Work"
DC 08/6/4 1881 Hamerton, P G "The Etcher's Handbook" (C. Roberson & Co., Ltd)
DC 08/6/5 1934 Hillyer, VM & Huey, E G,
"A Child's History of Art"
(D Appleton -Century Company)
DC 08/6/6 not dated Hind, C L "The Great painters in Art & Life" (George Newnes Ltd.)
DC 08/6/7 1930 Holmes, C J "An Introduction to Italian Painting" (Cassell & Co., Ltd)
DC 08/6/8 1926 Jacobs, M "The Art of Colour" (Doubleday, Page & Company)
DC 08/6/9 1962 Levey, M "A Concise History of Painting from
Giotto to Cezanne" (Thames & Hudson)
DC 08/6/10 1914 Reed, E H "Etching" A Practical Treatise" (G P Putnam's Sons )
DC 08/6/11 not dated Tannahill, S B "P's & Q's: A Book on the Art of Letter Arrangement"
(The Library Press)
DC 08/6/12 1934 Tomlinson, R R "Picture -Making by Children" (The Studio Ltd)
DC 08/6/13 1933 Wilenski, R H "English Painting" (Faber & Faber Ltd)
DC 08/6/14 1934 Wilenski, R H "The Study of Art" (Faber & Faber Ltd)
DC 08/6/15 not dated "Botticelli" (George Newnes Ltd)
DC 08/6/16 1923 Hourtico, L "A Guide to the Louvre" (Hachette)